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Edit Schedules

Edit Schedules

From the top left of the Schedule detail page, Download and open the current view in Excel for viewing or editing.

The schedule will be prepared as a .xls download and the notifications panel will include a link to the .xls when it is available. 

Click on the here link for the schedule you are editing, and the .xls will be downloaded by your browser. Open the downloaded schedule in Excel.

The schedule will open in Excel at the detail page. This page provides a brief summary of what is contained within the schedule. 

Select the Schedule tab to view the entire schedule broken down into detail:

The white cells are the only areas that you can edit via the .xls.
BIMXtra will ignore all changes made to the blue or green cells as these are fields mapped in directly from the original model. Changes to these columns must be done in the original model authoring application.

Edit the information as needed within the white cells

Apply individual purpose if required. Any configured options will be available as a drop down and a valid entry must be selected.

This functionality allows the designer to label individual components for a particular purpose. This enables, for example, a schedule to be issued for tender or construction and to then have individual components within that same schedule labelled for information only.

Upload Schedules

When you are ready to update the data back to BIMXtra, from the top left of the Schedule detail page, Upload the XLS you have edited.

to select your XLS file, or drag-drop it onto the Green Rectangle

Upload to update the Schedule data but leave it checked out to yourself.

Upload and Check In, to upload and check the schedule in at the same time. 

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