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Configure BS1192 & ISO19650 File Identifiers

Prior to a BS1192/ISO19650 project being operational, the super user should set up its File Identifier Structure. There are two ways to do this:

Method : Using an Excel template to configure the File Identifiers.

The default BIMXtra template can be found under the Project > Configuration > Project > DMS tab. This is a super user only function.

To download the template, click on the cloud symbol and an Excel template will begin downloading.

Download the BIMXtra System Default or Current Uploaded Template and edit as required.

The Document contains 2 tabs. Please refer to the INFO tab in the first instance for detailed Instructions

Current Guidance Notes on the INFO Tab:

  1. The information entered into the template will provide the output for the BS1192 Identifier
  2. To add a new identifier simply add to the bottom of the desired column. The prefix is the code that will get assigned to the document.
  3. For example if the user creates a new zone [33-Zone 33], then the document will have 33 assigned to it. If the user enters ABC-Zone 33 then the document will have ABC assigned to it.
  4. In order to show the code in the drop down menu the user has to enter the code twice. Scenarios: K-Interior Designer (the user will only see Interior Designer in the drop down menu). If the user enters K-K Interior Designer (the user will see K Interior Designer in the drop down menu).
  5. To add a new revision prefix, add single character text value in ‘Revision Code' column followed by description. For Example  'A - Approved', user will only see 'A' in revision prefix dropdown.
  6. If an identifier is not required - the text can simply be deleted
  7. If a document has been uploaded and has used the identifier, then on download, the template will highlight these fields in red
  8. Items in red cannot be removed until the document containing that identifier has been removed from the DMS.

BS1192 file identifier structure can be found under the TEMPLATE Tab: (Example below)

Once the structure has been defined, the .xls needs to be loaded back into BIMXtra. 

On the DMS Configuration table, click Browse and select the edited spreadsheet. Then click Upload to add the folders to the system.

Message in the notification tray, at the bottom of the page, will show when the system configuration has been completed and provide a log of the upload including any errors encountered.


When adding the file identifier via the Excel spreadsheet, the file identifier structure can be downloaded/uploaded and amended as many times as required. 

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