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Relatics connection

Relatics is a external database tool and is used to supporting Systems Engineering. In here (among other data) object trees and the requirements for these objects are stored.

In order to setup the connection with Relatics, a number of steps needs to be taken.

1. Setup the Webservice in Relatics

To setup a webservice in Relatics, make sure that this information is included into the Relatics environment:

  • Objects
    • SBS Code
    • User defined code
    • Linked parent objects
  • Requirements
    • Description
    • ID
    • Status

If one of these data is not included into your Workspace and you do not want to add the properties to it, populate another property with an empty string in there, so the required XML structure can be achieved.

Create report

In the workspace studio under reports, define a new report.

After adding the report, please click on the report part and edit the query.

Setup Query

Make sure you create an XML output structure which is identical to the one below (without the content of the parameters of course):

Webservice initial XML
  <Object Name="Test" GUID="19250217-11fe-e811-a2d1-00155d654106">
    <User_ID Value="Test2"/>
    <SBS_code Value="Test44234"/>
  <Object Name="Test2" GUID="5cc43cda-10fe-e811-a2d1-00155d654106">
    <User_ID Value="FirstTest"/>
    <SBS_code Value="SBS001"/>
    <Requirement Name="Requirement A" GUID="3c9517f9-8ffc-e811-a2d1-00155d654106">
      <Description Value="This is the description"/>
      <Status Value="Open"/>
      <ID Value="E001"/>

Most often, the query in Relatics looks similar to this:

Validate basic XML

Now the query has been done, please check your XML with this tool.

Only if the XML is exactly the same as described above, proceed to the next steps.

Adding the XSLT

To structure the information to the one BIMXtra reads, we need to add an XSL file. This file transforms the query you just build to a solid query without too much configuration.

The XSL(T) file can be downloaded here: BIMXtraMapping.xslt

Now, the XML should have been changed to this structure (without the content of the parameters of course):

Webservice XML Final
    <Object GUID="19250217-11fe-e811-a2d1-00155d654106" Name="Test" User_ID="Test2" SBS_code="SBS003"/>
    <Object GUID="5cc43cda-10fe-e811-a2d1-00155d654106" Name="Test2" User_ID="FirstTest" SBS_code="SBS001">
       <Requirement GUID="3c9517f9-8ffc-e811-a2d1-00155d654106" Name="Requirement A" User_ID="E001" Description="This is the description" Status="Open"/>
    <Object GUID="43bf12f8-10fe-e811-a2d1-00155d654106" Name="Test3" User_ID="1" SBS_code="SBS002" Parent_GUID="5cc43cda-10fe-e811-a2d1-00155d654106" Parent_Name="">
        <Requirement GUID="3c9517f9-8ffc-e811-a2d1-00155d654106" Name="Requirement A" User_ID="E001" Description="This is the description" Status="Open"/>
        <Requirement GUID="17d0963a-30fd-e811-a2d1-00155d654106" Name="Requirement B" User_ID="E002" Description="This is the description" Status="Closed"/>
     <Object GUID="47bf12f8-10fe-e811-a2d1-00155d654106" Name="Test5" User_ID="3" SBS_code="SBS004" Parent_GUID="43bf12f8-10fe-e811-a2d1-00155d654106" Parent_Name="">
        <Requirement GUID="3c9517f9-8ffc-e811-a2d1-00155d654106" Name="Requirement A" User_ID="E001" Description="This is the description" Status="Open"/>
        <Requirement GUID="17d0963a-30fd-e811-a2d1-00155d654106" Name="Requirement B" User_ID="E002" Description="fThis is the description" Status="Closed"/>
        <Requirement GUID="1ed0963a-30fd-e811-a2d1-00155d654106" Name="Requirement C" User_ID="E003" Description="This is the description" Status="Open"/>

Create webservice

1. In the workspace studio under webservices, add a providing server instance under the server tab.

2. Define here by free choice the name of how you want to call the server.

3. Make sure you define the Operation name well, and do not use special characters or spaces.

4. Include the report into the webservice

2. Setup the schedules for SBS Codes

For each schedule where SBS objects will be populated, make sure custom_01 is used for the SBScodes.

You can either add the codes via CAD import or manually via Excel.

If the SBScodes in here are equal to the numbers provided by the webservice as SBS_code, the information will be added together.

3. Publish the form

In order to also map the Relatics requirements to the objects, a form needs to be published into the project. At the moment, this form can only be published by the superusers of Clearbox itself. If are setting up the Relatics connection, let us know by raising a ticket at and we are happy to publish the form for you. Please do not forget to include the project name and number into the ticket.

4. Configure connection

In the project configuration, under the tab: Additional Info, there is a section where the relatics webservice cofiguration can be added.

In there, there are 5 fields:

URLThe URL of your environment combined with the /Dataexchange.asmx?WSDL
Workspace IDGUID of the workspace of Relatics. Can be found in Relatics → Settings → generic → ID014e1807-87fc-4563-862c-37954943d870
Relatics API KeyThe password set for the webserviceBIMXtra!2018
Relatics API MethodThe Operation name of the webserviceProvideObjectsWithRequirements

Do not forget to check the  "Download Relatics Information" box. Otherwise, the data will not be loaded into the system.

Contact Clearbox: 0844 800 0981 |